
Variety that is rounded, with a very subtle light green shell and a white, juicy pulp with a sweet taste and muscat aroma. This type of fresh fruit is the most produced especially in Italy and the most exported, and is available on the fruit and vegetable market from August to November. In addition to being consumed as fresh table fruit, this pear variety is widely used in industry for the production of pear juices and syrups.

Lemon tree

Fruit of large caliber with asymmetrical piriform-globose shape and irregular contours. Its skin is smooth, thin and greenish-yellow when ripe, similar to the appearance of a lemon. Its flesh is ivory in color, sweet-tasting and grainy on the palate. Harvesting begins in the first or second week of July and its storage is limited.

Red Barlett

Pear variety derived from a mutation of the pear “William.” It is a medium-sized fruit with a smooth, reddish-yellow shell, is rusty around the short peduncle and has irregular spots of urine on the surface. The ivory-colored pulp is juicy and sweet-sour. This variety of pear is available on the fruit and vegetable market from August to January, is quite resistant to handling and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.


The Herculean pear, also known as the thigh pear, literally periform, on its flesh is said to be white, smooth, very juicy, with a very pleasant sweet taste, and also aromatic.

It is usually eaten fresh, but it is also common to include it in sweet or savory preparations.


Fruit of medium to large caliber, with an elongated pear shape and fairly regular contours. Its skin is thick, green to greenish-yellow, and has more or less rust spots depending on the weather conditions. Its flesh is yellowish-white, very fine, juicy and sweet, with an acid taste. This is a much-loved pear variety and therefore very present on the fruit and vegetable market, its harvest begins in the first fortnight of August and its cold storage can reach 9 months.


The Castell pear variety has a small fruit; short turbinate or truncated turbinate shape, with very short neck, rather marked, asymmetrical, and a very irregular outline, sometimes ribbed; slightly granular, dull or shiny skin. Yellowish flesh; firm, crunchy, grainy, and even stony texture next to the heart; characteristic flavor of the variety, very sweet and pleasant.

This variety has a very early ripening and harvesting period in the third decade of July.


Fruit of medium to large caliber, elongated and oblique at the top. The shell of this pear has a green-yellow color dyed red at 20-30% of its surface, with large and obvious lentils. Pear of the pulp half fine, aromatic and juicy. Harvesting takes place at the end of July and the fruits of this pear variety are quite resistant to handling and transport.

Yellow peach

Pavia is yellow on the outside and yellow on the inside with the firmest flesh, while red peaches are classified according to the color of their flesh and are divided into: yellow meat peach and white meat peaches.

Highlights its rich fiber, which improves intestinal transit. Its mineral composition includes potassium, and in discrete amounts, magnesium and iodine. The range of water-soluble vitamins it contains is wide, without highlighting in this case any specific vitamin. The amount of carotene is higher than that of other fruits, which gives it some of its dietary properties. Like other yellow or orange fruits, peach contains provitamin A, which has antioxidant action, which helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

White peach

Peaches are classified according to their skin color and are divided into yellow or peacock peaches and red peaches (their skin may be red or bicolor yellow-red). Fruit of large size and rounded shape, the skin of the peach is reminiscent of velvet by its touch. The pulp can be soft or hard, depending on the varieties.

Pavia is yellow on the outside and yellow on the inside with the firmest flesh, while red peaches are classified according to the color of their flesh and are divided into: yellow meat peach and white meat peaches.


Fruit of small to medium caliber with sometimes ovoid piriform shape. The skin is a green color that evolves to greenish-gray when ripe, and is smooth and fine. Its flesh is white and fleshy, very sweet, grainy in the center, very juicy, melting and refreshing. For fresh food and for cooking. Harvesting begins during the first week of August.

The Blanquilla pear has properties that characterize it and make it unique and different from any other pear.